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Furnished vs. Unfurnished: Exploring the Pros and Cons

Whether to rent a furnished or unfurnished apartments is a decision that tenants often find themselves contemplating. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks, catering to different lifestyles and preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of both furnished and unfurnished accommodations, providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

The Allure of Furnished Apartments

Convenience at Your Fingertips

One of the primary appeals of furnished apartments is the convenience they offer. With furniture, appliances, and sometimes even decor provided, tenants can move in seamlessly without the hassle of purchasing or transporting bulky items. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who prioritize convenience and prefer to avoid the complexities of furnishing a home from scratch.

Flexibility in Lease Terms

Furnished rentals often come with more flexible lease terms, making them an attractive option for those seeking midle-term accommodations. Whether you're a student looking for a temporary stay or a professional on a midle-term assignment, furnished properties can provide the flexibility you need without the commitment of a long-term lease.

Cost-Efficiency in the Flexible Rent

While the upfront cost of renting a furnished apartment may seem higher compared to an unfurnished one, it's essential to consider the long-term savings. By eliminating the need to purchase furniture and appliances upfront, furnished rentals can be more cost-effective, especially for midle-term stays where investing in furniture may not be practical.

Unfurnished Apartments: Embracing Customization and Longevity

Blank Canvas for Personalization

Unlike furnished properties, unfurnished accommodations offer tenants a blank canvas to express their personal style and preferences. From choosing furniture that reflects your taste to decorating the space according to your aesthetic vision, unfurnished rentals allow for greater customization and creativity.

Long-Term Savings and Investment

While the initial investment in furnishing an unfurnished property may seem daunting, it can ultimately lead to long-term savings and investment opportunities. By purchasing quality furniture and appliances tailored to your needs, you're investing in items that can accompany you from one home to the next, providing value and comfort for years to come.

Greater Control Over Quality

Renting an unfurnished property gives tenants greater control over the quality of the items they bring into their home. Instead of relying on pre-selected furniture and appliances provided by the landlord, tenants can choose high-quality, durable pieces that align with their standards and preferences, ensuring a comfortable living environment.


Making the Right Choice

In the debate between furnished and unfurnished properties, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The decision ultimately depends on your lifestyle, preferences, and priorities. While furnished properties offer convenience and flexibility in the short term, unfurnished accommodations provide the opportunity for customization and long-term savings. By weighing the pros and cons of each option carefully, you can make an informed decision that meets your unique needs.


If you are looking for a furnished apartment for a flexible stay or want to have your new permanent home with a beautiful home feeling, check out our beautiful serviced apartments in Barcelona, Madrid or Malaga. 

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Correos B

Bienvenidos a tu hogar fuera de tu casa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. morbi facilisis maecenas tempor
porttitor eget eu morbi sed pellentesque interdum.

¿No sabes lo que hay alrededor?

Haz clic en el botón y encontrarás el supermercado, la estación de metro o la farmacia más cercana a un par de minutos del edificio.

  • No hagas esto...

  • No está permitido fumar dentro del edificio.

  • No se pueden dejar las llaves en la parte interior de la cerradura o perderlas. Se cargarán 150€ por la pérdida de ésta.

  • No se pueden pegar o colgar cosas en las paredes. Cualquier daño puede conllevar una penalización.

  • No se pueden hacer ruidos molestos e el edificio ni en el apartamento entre las 22 y las 8 de la mañana.

  • Invitar a personas sin previo aviso (máximo 2 personas).

  • No se pueden colgar toallas o prendas de vestir en los balcones. utiliza la secadora o el tendedero.

  • No se pueden hacer fiestas en el apartamento o en la azotea de tu edificio..

  • En cambio, haz esto...

  • Infórmanos sobre cualquier daño. Incluyendo ropa de cama, toallas o la pérdida de la llave o tarjeta

  • Apaga el aire condicionado cuando no lo utilices. Así podremos evitar problemas de mantenimiento.

  • El horario de entrada comienza a las 15 hs. y se prolonga hasta las 19 hs. Puedes realizar self check-in en cualquier momento de manera gratuita.

  • Limpia la cafetera después de cada uso. De ésta manera podremos garantizar el buen funcionamiento de ésta.

  • Asegúrate que la puerta de tu apartamento y la puerta proncipal queden cerradas correctamente cada vez que sales o entras el edificio.

  • La hora de salida debe ser antes de las 11:00 hs. Sólo tienes que dejar las llaves sobre la mesa y cerrar la puerta tras de ti. Asegúrate de que todos los aparatos electrónicos, la luz y el aire estén desconectados para cuidar el planeta y las instalaciones.

de paquetes

¿Quieres pedir un paquete pero no sabes qué dirección
de entrega poner porque no estarás en casa?

Este enlace puede ayudarte.

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Contenedores de basura

Los residentes deben tirar la basura con regularidad. Los contenedores más cercanos se
encuentran a 2 min. caminando del edificio de Correos.

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    Plástico y aluminio

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    Todos los otros residuos